Information for volunteers

Become a volunteer too! Events cannot happen without volunteers!

Prior to and during both competition days of Eventing Flevoland on July 19 and 20, we need a large number of volunteers. If you would like to contribute, please sign up now!

As a volunteer you can be active in a variety of ways; below are some of the tasks you can sign up for:

  • Assembly and disassembly crew
  • Obstacle controller cross country
  • Crossing aids in the cross country course
  • Parking Assistance

In preparation for the event, several committees are active in addition to the board. These consist of volunteers and are involved in the preparation; here you can think of building obstacles, preparing the routes in the forest, setting out the walkways, but also placing signs and all kinds of facility matters.

Are you interested? Then fill out the application form.

If you have questions or would like to receive additional information, please email:

Our partners & sponsors

Eventing Flevoland is made possible in part thanks to the following partners and sponsors: