Friends of Eventing Flevoland

True friends have an edge. Also at Eventing Flevoland! You too can become our friend. For a contribution from € 50 per year you will also receive the special friends package:

  • Parking ticket
  • 2 consumption tokens
  • Listing on the website
  • Listing on the large'friends of' board
  • And of course our newsletter immediately updated with the latest news

Becoming a friend is very easy. Click on the button or scan the QR code for your contribution and/or send an email with your contact information to We will then contact you as soon as possible.

Scan the QR code above with your phone's camera. Payment is through Rabobank, but you can pay with any bank in the Netherlands using Ideal.

Thanks for your contribution! Please email us at, where we can mail the parking tickets and consumption vouchers to?

Our friends

  • Kemp Driving Courses
  • Fam. Israel
  • Gert and Alice Naber
  • Ronald Otten
  • G.F.A. Sweep
  • J.M.Sambell
  • Theo Green

Our partners & sponsors

Eventing Flevoland is made possible in part thanks to the following partners and sponsors: