
Also CCI3* won by De Simone

Where Paolo Mario De Simone first won the CCI1* class on Saturday, July 20, the Italian eventing rider was also the winner of the CCI3* at Eventing Flevoland. With Chivas du Loir, De Simone, who lives in Bremen, took victory in the top class.

Couple Leuwer supreme in CCI2*

The CCI2* of Eventing Flevoland was won by Germany's Pia Leuwer with Hanami 4. Her husband Ben Leuwer took second prize with the horse Citius and also represented the winner during the award ceremony. "Pia is currently taking care of the horses," he said.

De Simone wins CCI1*

The CCI1* competition at Eventing Flevoland was won by Italian rider Paolo Mario De Simone on Saturday, July 20. Riding the six-year-old gelding Kodaline 3, De Simone stayed ahead of the competition in all sections.

Construction in full swing

Construction of the grounds is in full swing. The tents are erected, the last mobile obstacles in the cross-country course are placed and the fair and show jumping and dressage area are also being prepared.

Dressage on Friday

Good news!!! We have been able to add an additional dressage ring on the competition grounds. This has made it possible to host the full dressage program on Friday, July 19, in addition to jumping.

Kristy Snepvangers to Eventing Flevoland!

One of the riders who will start at Eventing Flevoland is Kristy Snepvangers. Despite her still young age, she has now become one of Holland's most popular eventing riders.

Successful volunteer night Eventing Flevoland

Thursday evening, June 27, was the volunteer evening of Eventing Flevoland 2024. In the Kapschuur of Holiday Park Eigen Wijze, the volunteers were taken through the progress of the preparations.

Collaboration with Molecaten Riding Day.

Eventing Flevoland has a friendly partnership with the organization of the Molecaten Ruiterdag in Hattem. For this year's Molecaten Equestrian Day, the obstacle builders created beautiful replicas of historic buildings on the Molecaten Estate.